Nutrition Challenge Results and Announcements

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Nutrition Challenge

Team Grise was able to maintain their lead all the way to the finish! We ended up doing the scoring by ranking(low score wins), and here are your final results:

  1. Team Grise 130pts

  2. Team Steph 175pts

  3. Team Jonas 176pts

  4. Team Biz 207pts

  5. Team Liz 211pts

  6. Team Kate 228pts

Great job to all the participants! Let’s keep our healthy eating and tracking going into the New Year!


- Kids class resumes this Saturday (1/5) 

- Parent/Kid Class this Sunday (1/6) noon! 

- Kids Day Camp Sunday (1/13) from 12p-3p - sign up sheet on the coaches desk 

A few reminders

- Please place your belongings in the locker room!  Not on/under/around the long table or coaches desk

- Check the kids room before leaving if your child has been in there!