Friday Fun 10/27

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3 tips to have a Healthy Halloween:


  1.  Wait to buy Halloween Candy 
    1. The less time it’s in your house, the less time it’s sneaking in your macros counts.  
  2. Buy the candy you don’t like to consume
    1. Blasphemy I know, but if you love Reese’s but you hate Twizzlers, pick up the Twizzlers instead and avoid the temptation! Yes, it’s about the children but it’s also about you having a successful and healthy Halloween.
  3. Choose the exact amount of candy your children can have over the next few weeks then donate the rest 
    1. Set your allotment for your children as you see fit, then take the rest to your local dentist.  They usually donate it to appropriate locations and it is out of your house!

Coaches Corner

Current Events

  • Parent/Kids Class: 11/5 @12PM, $10 cash
  • We will be hosting a friends and family week 11/27-12/2.  More info to come on that soon!

What We Are Pondering

Friday Fun 10/20

Happy Friday everyone!  Here is another delicious recipe from KG3!  Enjoy!

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Vegetable Strata


  •   1 small red onion, thinly sliced

  •   2 medium yellow squash, thinly sliced

  •   3 bell peppers, thinly sliced

  •   8 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced

  •   2 garlic cloves, minced

  •   2 Tbsp. olive oil

  •   12 oz. bacon, cooked and crumbled

  •   8 large eggs

  •   1 tsp. salt

  •   1 tsp. pepper

  •   8 oz. shredded mozzarella or Italian-blend cheese

  •   4 pieces dried Ezekiel bread cubed


  1. Saute vegetables and garlic in olive oil over medium-high heat 15 minutes or until tender-crisp.

  2. Whisk eggs, salt, and pepper until blended.

  3. Stir in cooked, crumbled bacon, mozzarella cheese, and bread cubes.

  4. Add the sautéed vegetables and mix well.

  5. Spoon into a greased 9x13 inch baking pan.

  6. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until puffed up and firm to the touch.

  7. Can be served hot, cold, or room temperature.

Macros – 1 serving (makes 10 servings) Calories: 368
Protein: 26g
Fat: 23g

Carbohydrates: 13g

Coaches Corner

  • Travel WODs:
    • 200 Air Squats for time, Rest 3:00, Then 10:00 EMOM of 7 Burpees with a max run for distance on treadmill with remaining time.  Score is distance on treadmill.
    • 1/2 mile run on treadmill, 75 DB Thrusters, 1/2 mile run
    • 15min AMRAP: 20 DB Snatches alt, 20 Burpees

Current Events

  • Parent/Kid classes are coming back!  This is a fun and healthy activity you can do with your kids!  Stay tuned for dates and times!
  • New T-shirts have been ordered and should be in at the end of next week or the beginning of the following week.

What We're Pondering

  • Hear the CrossFit Founder Greg Glassman talk briefly about the chronic disease issue in our country.

Friday Fun 10/13/17


-Tis the Season for office parties and Halloween Candy.  Here are some helpful tips from KG3 Nutrition to mitigate that risk, and stay on track with your Nutrition.

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It’s office party time at work!
It’s hard to play the social game at birthday party time, but it’s important you have a game plan!  You might feel uncomfortable with the comments from co-workers about passing on that store bought celebration cake, so here are a few tips to get you through it!

  1. Pre-determine how much cake you can have and not have it wreck your day.  Asking for a small slice and then eating half of it still allows you to politely participate but is only about 150 calories in comparison to having a full piece at more like 400 calories.
  2. Take your own food.  A well placed “Hey guys, I’ve been so busy today!  I’m just going to eat my lunch with you now while you party” works wonders. 
  3. Bring your own drink.  Usually the division you work in has a budget for celebrations and part of that budget is almost always spent on sugary drinks.  By bringing your own water or coffee you can easily skip the drink line.
  4. Don’t get frustrated.  Yes, sometimes it’s hard to be the odd man out at these kinds of events but you have a life without limits that you’re pursuing and nutrition is part of that pursuit.  Do a mental check of where you see yourself and your emotions before you hit the door of the party and you’ll leave with your goals intact and a happy feeling!

Current Events

*In House Halloween Competition tomorrow 10/14.  Competition starts 830AM!

*Stacy Strong Yoga Night Tonight 10/13 @7PM, $10 going directly to Stacy Strong Scholarship Fund

Coaches Corner

*Schedule your 30 Minute, 1-1 Skill Sessions at

What We're Pondering

-I wrote this recently as an answer to "Why I Started a CrossFit Gym" and it has become a motto around here.  Enjoy!

“Life Without Limits”


Our mission is to empower people to live a “Life Without Limits”.  That means that you are no longer limited to what you can do, because of your health and fitness.  We provide a program that gives you a baseline fitness level, and teaches you how to live a healthy lifestyle.  Have a friend that’s going hiking and rock climbing?  You can do that.  Is your co-worker doing a 5K run to benefit charity?  You can do that.  Does your kid need a soccer coach that is capable of running up and down the sidelines with them?  You can do that.  You possess a broad, all inclusive fitness, that will lend itself to any activity you choose.  Your life is no longer limited by your health and fitness, you’re living a “Life Without Limits”.


The program at FWCF is designed to cover all the domains of fitness (cardio/respiratory endurance, strength, stamina, speed, power, agility, accuracy, flexibility, and balance) giving you an all inclusive fitness that can be applied to any activity.  By intentionally varying the exercises we work in all the 10 different domains, and develop them simultaneously.  Some days we run, some days we lift weights, some days we do bodyweight movements, and still other days we combine several of those together.  Our specialty is not specializing, life is unpredictable and we want a fitness that can be applied across the board.


In addition to our fitness programming we offer a wide variety of Nutrition services.  To put it simply, your food is what fuels you.  Are you fueling yourself with the highest quality, and appropriate quantity of food?  Or are you giving it your best guess, and trying to eat healthy?  Let us show you the right way to do that, and get you the best possible fuel for your healthy lifestyle.


These things aren’t a quick fix, or a short term goal.  This is designed to become a lifestyle for you.  To be something that you can continue for the rest of your long, and healthy life.  Life isn’t easy, and neither is this program.  But it will prepare you for life, and allow you to do things that you couldn’t do before.  It will give you, a “Life Without Limits”.


Friday Fun 10/6/17


  • Reminder we are now offering a variety of nutrition coaching services.  Check them out and schedule your appointment at
  • Here is another yummy recipe from KG3 Nutrition!
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Strawberry Mandarin Grilled Chicken Salad


  1 1/2 lbs Boneless chicken breasts

  •   Salt and Pepper to taste

  •   1 1/2 cup Fresh strawberries, sliced

  •   1 1/2 cup Fresh mandarin orange slices

  •   1/4 cup Red onion, sliced

  •   1/4 cup Slivered almonds

  •   1 Avocado, pitted and sliced

  •   8 cups of salad greens

  •   Tessamae’s brand Honey Poppyseed dressing or dressing of choice


  1. Season both sides of uncooked chicken breasts with salt and pepper, and a bit of olive oil

  2. Fire up the grill and grill the chicken breasts to done

  3. In a salad bowl, Place all other ingredients in the bowl and lightly toss

  4. Add in your dressing of choice, making sure it fits with your daily macros counts!

Coaches Corner

  • This programming is completely optional.  It is intended to supplement CrossFit 4-5 days per week, and not to replace it.  The goal of this programming is fat burning, with some Aerobic Endurance.  Enjoy!

Week 1 Row

Day 1: 4x1000m row, with 200m recovery row between at 10 S/M(strokes per minute) pace

Day 2: 30:00 @70-75% HR (conversational pace)

Week 2 AAB

Day 1: 4x1 mile Bike, with 2:00 recovery bike at 50RPM

Day 2: 35:00 @70-75% HR (conversational pace)

Week 3 Run

Day 1: 5x800m run with 200m walk as rest between

Day 2: 40:00 @70-75% HR (conversational pace)

Week 4 Row

Day 1: 3x2000m row with 250m receovery row between at 10 S/M Pace

Day 2: 45:00 @70-75% HR (conversational pace)


*Conversational pace means you could carry on a conversation with someone.  If you're only able to get out 3-4 words at a time, your pace is likely too fast.


Current Events

  • In House Halloween Competition next Saturday 10/14 @830AM, be sure to sign up on the door to the office by next Wednesday!
  • Loving the new classes? Let us know!  Wondering what the new classes are?  We now have Ft Wright Zone class M/W/F @ 12PM, and a regular CrossFit class M/W/F @330PM
  • Join us Friday 10/13 at 7pm for a yoga night with Katie Miller! All funds from this hour yoga session will go to the Stacy Strong Scholarship, which benefits her two children Cody and Corin! The class is $10! We will also be selling purple #stacystrong bracelets for $2 and Liz will be offering 5 or 10 min chair massages that will start at 6pm for $1 a min! You do not have to be a member to attend! Invite your friends and come join us! #foreverstacystrong

What We're Pondering

Friday Fun 9/29/17

Recipe From KG3 Nutrition

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Brussell Sprout Salad


  • 1 Pound Brussell Sprouts
  • 1 Medium Tart Apple
  • 1 Medium Red Onion
  • 1 Cup Chopped Walnuts
  • Primal Kitchen's Honey Mustard Vinaigrette or dressing of choice


  1. Trim the ends off the Brussel Sprouts.  Using sharp knife OR using the thinnest blade on a mandolin slicer, slice each sprout
  2. Slice the apple and red onion thinly OR use mandolin slicer
  3. Combine in a large bowl
  4. Toast the walnuts in a skillet over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until fragrant and lightly browned, about 2 minutes.
  5. Add to the Brussel Sprout mixture. Toss to combine.
  6. Add in Vinaigrette and toss lightly.  Refrigerate at least 30 minutes before serving.



Pullup Progression



10 Scap Pullups

10 Hollow/Arch Swings

10 Band pull Downs

Crossover Symmetry

Week 1

*Day 1: 3x10 Banded Pull-ups (Volume)

*Day 2: 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Strict Pull-ups (Strength)

Week 2

*Day 1: 3x 12 Banded Pull-ups (Volume)

*Day 2: 10x2 Strict Pull-ups (Strength)

Week 3

*Day 1: 3x15 Banded Pull-ups (Volume)

*Day 2: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Strict Pull-ups (Strength)

Current Events

  • Don't forget to sign up for the In-House Halloween Competition 10/14.  Signups are on the gym door!  2 Divisions: Fitness and Performance, Coaches Kyle and Zach will pick teams from the signups, good times will be had by all!
  • Ft Wright Zone class starting Monday 10/1 @12PM.  Participants will be lead through an interval style workout, utilizing the MyZone HR Monitors.  Classes will continue every M/W/F @ 12PM
  • Introducing the 3:30PM CrossFit class on M/W/F, starting 10/1.  Another awesome time to get your WOD in!

What We Are Reading